World Humanitarian Day : Providing life-saving support during the pandemic.

19 August is word humanitarian day (WHD) formalized by United Nations general assembly giving homage to 22 people in Canal hotel in Bagdad Iraq died by bomp attack in 2003 including cheif humanitarian Sergio Vieira de Mello born from Brazil and Sudanese lawyer, politician and social activities Dr. Amin Mekki Medani.

Sergio Vieira de Mello

Aftrr 2003, with a view to creating concern on public issues, mobilizing political will and addressing global problems with the celebration and reinforce achievement of humanity, world commemorates those humanitarians people who have committed their lives in terms of their injured and killed in work considering them as real life heroes.

         Dr. Amin Mekki Medani.

According to United Nations, 483 aid workers were attacked : 125 killed, 234 wounded and 124 kidnapped in a total of 277 separate incidents within 2019. The most of the attacks occurred in Syria, South Sudan, Democratic republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Yemen and Mali. Furthermore, W.H.O reported 1009 attacks and 628 injures. 

Humanitarian aid delivered 28.9M vaccine for children against measles, 32.2M people for save water for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene, 92.6M for mental health and psychologica support and 42.0M for livestock vaccination and treatment campaigns. 

Global humanitarian overview making a demand on 168 million humanitarian assistance and production. The united nations and partner organizations assist to nearby 109M of the most vulnerable people requiring fund of 28.8 billion. The situation may be worsen unless we concern to the issues of climate change and and causes of conflict. 

Of being the biggest challenges to humanitarians around the world, the campaign this year bringing the front linear humanitarians treating and preventing COVID- 19, providing food to vulnerable people in need,  fighting locusts and running refugees camps articulates around three strategic priorities-- containing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and decrease morbidity and mortality, decreasing the deterioration of human assets and rights, social cohesion and livelihoods and protecting  assist and advocate for refugees, internally displaced people, migrants and host communities particularly vulnerable to the pandemic.
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