International Youth Day : Youth Engagement for global action.

12 August, international youth day is a global concern to the youth action, their voices, initiative and their engagement in rational works and thoughts declared by General Assembly endorsing the recommendations of word conference of ministers responsible for youth.  The conference of ministers held in Lisbon from 8 August to 12 August in 1998.  The commemorations held by the conference around the world recognized the importance of youth participation in political, economic and social life concern. 

After the declaration by general assembly of united nations, the fist IYD was observed on 12 August, 2000. It gives the way to governments and others seeking opportunities to draw the attention to youth issues worldwide. Following the attention to youth issues, national and local government officials, the organizations take concerts, workshop, cultural events and meetings. 

The theme on 2020 International youth day is youth engagement on global action. Previous year theme was on 'transforming education.' Many crucial themes relates to youth have been focused by podcast style discussion hosted by internationally and nationally organizations under united nation. They were on the theme youth and mental health, youth and civic engagement, the road to 2030: eradicating proverty and achieving sustainable consumption and production, youth building peace, safe spaces for youth etc.

The youth contribution to global action reveals some doctrine of improvement or some challenges to them. So, this year united nation provokes worldwide drawing lessons on their involvement and representation in formal institutional politics and national, multinational institutions. Their challenge against increasing polarized world and the crisis of legitimacy and relevance do not only raise hinderance to youth but also a hinderance to international system of governce. 

Some worst conflicts in the recent times and humanitarian emergencies such as Myanmar, Syria as well as recent global challenges of outbreaking COVID-19 and climate change proves the fact that we are hooked into a difficult situation where justice and challenges come together in a question.

To increase the fairness of political processess and reducing democratic deflicts, contributing to better and more sustainable policies, youth engagement in formal political mechanism is prioritized with global concern by united nation.

Following the three interconnected streams, this year IYD works as a spotlight on youth engagement in local community level, engagement at national level regarding to laws, policies and implementation as well as engagement at the global level.

People who are youths today will run their  county or the people of new generation. Without giving opportunities to them in policy making and political process make them blind to future. It is their rights to involve in all the activities and the whole August months will be dedicated to youth engagement for global action by different initiatives led by nationally and internationally. For many years they are working for the platform in which youth can participate in hands and hands and seeking development and peace through the world. 
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