A Short History of American Independent Day.

4th July is the independent day of United state of America. On July 4,  1776 America was declared by second congress that they were including 13 colonies no longer subject to the Monarch of Britain king  George III. The first Congress was happened 5 to October 26, 1774 which met in Philadelphia, pennsylvania after the battle of Lixinton and Concord.

The second Congress provoked the whole colonies as being outset of the revolutionary war. The war took time 8 years 4 months 15 days long lasting from 1775 to 1783. Proximately 0.1 million people including in battle and from disease had lost lives. The war presents us with the involvement of political allies and important issues that should be noticed. The war brought the result in Treaty of Paris (1783), British recognition of American Independent and ending of the first British Empire. France, Dutch republic, Netherlands and Spain fought to Britain along with America and only apart from Germany had ties with Britain. About 7774 German including in the battle had lost there lives in the War.

Finally British rule established  the first republic country in the word taking enormous lives in battle and overall histories  is not simple. There will be huge writings of history pages by pages regarding this war. This writing, focusing some factors or co-factors provoking the war, points out some vivid explanation.

Actually the tensions between America and British escalated due to the polices to trade laws  through a navigation acts. The policy formalised by Robert Walpole making a statement, '“if no restrictions were placed on the colonies, they would flourish”. The policy making a control over the colonies on trade and developing mercantilism. The policy established salutary neglect in American history which meant avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary laws of great Britiain. First continental Congress coordinated the systematic boycott of British goods. On the country, through the implementation of intolerable acts by parliament that closed the port of Boston and suspended their colonial legislature to punish the 1773 Boston Tea party, a political and mercantile protest by the sons of liberty in Boston Massachusetts, stabilizing the target to the Tea act of May 10, 1773 by  British East India company.

The Tea act by British East India company allowed them to sell tea from China to American colonies without paying taxes imposed by Townshend Acts. On the contrast, Townshend acts established the precedent that the parliament had the right to tax the colonies, enforcing compliance with trade regulations and raising revenue in the colonies to pay the salaries of governors and judges. So, American patriots strongly opposed the taxes imposed by Townshend act as a violation of their rights.

Appointing George Washington as a commander in cheif to continental army in June, 1775 and overseeing the Siege of Boston by second Continental Congress. After July 1975 Olive Branch petition adopted by second continental Congress drafting by primary author John Dickinson and Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, John Rutledge, Thomas Johanson as a committee member aiming to avoid war between Great Britain and the 13 colonies of America. After the invasion of Canada between continental army and British army,   it gave loyalty to great Britain preventing further conflict. But due to some facts, in August 1775 the colonies declared to be in rebellion by the proclamation of Rebellion and thus the petition was rejected by British Government and King George-||| and finally American revolutionary war began to happen from 1775 till September 3, 1783. After the one year later, Congress passed the declaration of independence in July 4, 1776.

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