Editing and proofreading as a profession.

Edititing suggests the overall quality of Writing. It makes the writing quality to a new dimensions relating to the use of language and expression. It helps writing to be sharp, consistent and readable to the audience. 

Following things have to be maintained as editor :-

  • Proper words for a proper situation and backgrounds.

  • Combination of using active and passive voice making the writing more interactive.

  • Maintain tone for audience

  • Avoiding unnecessary and frivolous words.

  • Using general language appropriately.


  Proofreading plays a vital role to the writing whose duties is about to check the surface errors of writing such as grammatical, spelling, punctuation and other language mistakes. 

As a proofreader, it will responsible for him/her such as :-

  • Checking spelling errors

  • Checking full-stops, commas, colons, semicolons 

  • Words that sound like one another but have different meanings, such as there, their and they’re, been used correctly?

  • Have there any quotation marks and apostrophes clearly?

  • Checking double spaces, particularly after full-stops.

Their demand :- 

       The demand of editors and proofreaders are increasing anywhere as the demand of the content writing is increasing day by day for journals, bloggers, news portals, research publication and even for book publication. Expert editor and proofreaders need to furnish their expected writings and publication.  Annual book fair held in several countries as well as Bangladesh. Their publication company demands the qualified editors and proofreaders.

Even many people or offices heirs editors and proofreader for pursuing their business documentation more effectively. Some people  may think that it is not necessary eliminating any errors for documentation or regarding it as demanding jobs rather they can prefer computer program, friends or family members. But you will surprise to know that Google actually look for those accomplished proofreaders than your computer program or others can be.

What will be the choice?

   The purpose of proofreading and editing have been discussed already. So what will be the right choice for you? You will be editor or proofreader?

Actually publication firms or companies have less intention to give both offers as they make a affordable rquestions preferring to reducing their cost. 

 So, You will need to choice yourself. Next writing I will discuss what will be the right choice for you or how you will improve yourself to this perspective. 
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