The COVID-19 Pandemic ( The deadly Coronavirus)

Summary: Every morning we wake up by the news what makes us afraid of when we will come off it's contagion. The coronavirus outbreak has become one of the biggest threat to the running human civilization. Unlike many other challenge we face like earthquake, hurricanes, typhoons, there's a limited number of countries in a region come out as being affected.  But it is COVID-19 affecting more than 200 countries including it's inner zone by it's rapid pestilence confirming upto 70 million people causes in the world and it's 4.6% people of the confirmed causes have been turned death.  Many important cities have been locked down causing economic failure and leading the questions what will be the future doctrine in the world. 

Pandemic Situation : Epidemic means a outbreaking of the disease that spreads so quickly over the people at the same time and pandemic is a kind of epidemic that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population. 

COVID-19 had moved to pandemic
labelled by WHO on 11 March from epidemic as it was seen ongoing person-to-person spread in multiple countries around the world at the same time. The whole world is going under the great crisis until it was last seen a pandemic disease of swine flu from 2009 to 2010.

How does the COVID-19 spread? 
The noble coronavirus spread through the droplet released into the air when a infected person cough or sneezes. The droplet exist in a few feet and fell to the ground in few hours. That is why social and physical distancing is effective in preventing the spread.

Symptoms of COVID-19: The symptoms of covid-19 can be very mild to severe. Even many people does not show any symptoms yet the coronavirus exist with them. The most common symptom of the coronavirus patient is fever, cough and tiredness. But Shortness of breath, muscle caches, chills, headache, chest pain and loss of taste or smell are also the symptoms of coronavirus patient. 

It's impact on world economy: 

Since the great depression of the 1930s and  global financial crisis in 2008 and 2009, it might be the global economy recession worsen notoriously. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused huge job losses for many migrant workers and it has affected remittance flows. Distribution of international trade and stock exchange of multinational companies interrupted by the effect of the covid-19. 

The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to cause an increase in global poverty. It has risen to the increased number of the extreme level property over the world. During the period of lockdown in COVID-19,  the economic activities has been stumbled. Many people hardly manage their works to bear their living. The humanitarian condition to the poor people has been worsen than ever. In the COVID-19 situation, the number of the hungry people has been doubled in the time. 

The pandemic has affected education system worldwide leading to the widespread closes of schools and Universities. For the remaining closed to the schools and universities, many students did not complete their course in time. So it has raised the job market problems also. 

Actually there is no exact way to tell the impact of the COVID-19 over the world. It has given challenges to the live-style of the people, the economic system and even the existing of human living in the earth. 

COVID-19 and Bangladesh :
Bangladesh, being a populated country,  covid-19 has brought a dramatic challenges in the overall life-style and the economic condition. 

On March 8, 2020 Bangladesh was confirmed as the outbreaking of the disease of COVID-19. Lockdown was initiated by the authority to tackle the threat to the pestilence  of the diseases. But this initiative had raised challenges to the people of Bangladesh, the economic condition of the Bangladesh came to a standstill resulting in a unprecedented economic crisis. The RMG sector and the small and medium entrepreneur sector has radically fall victim to the COVID-19 situation. Huge number of people in Bangladesh had lost their job turning people pale to the baleful condition of the country. The huge number of the poor people who earn by day became dumb what they should do now for their living in the COVID-19 situation. The agricultural sector was also hampered during the lockdown period. 

The initiative taken by the Bangladesh government to face the situation was admirable. Different assistant package was allocated to the RMG sector and poor people. The whole country was divided by 3 parts into red, yellow and green zone according to the pestilence rate of the disease. Wearing a mask was mandatory for the people who go out for for their necessary purpose. The public transport system was bond to reduce capacity system and subjected to hygienic directory.

Vaccine :  There is a hope behind despair that more than 50 COVID-19 vaccine candidates in trials. World Health Organization (WHO) is working in collaboration with scientists, business, and global health organizations to speed up the pandemic response. When a safe and effective vaccine is found, COVAX led by WHO, GAVI and CEPI  will facilitate the equitable access and distribution of these vaccines to protect people in all countries. A announcement declared by WHO that vaccines will be contributed according to the worsen condition of the countries and first prioritized.

Aside with WHO, many reputable companies are working to invent it. Oxford vaccine and American pharmaceutical company pfizer with German biotechnology company BioNTech have triggered vaccine innovation most successfully.

ConclusionThough pandemic, once in a blue moon, happened to us over the world raising the big challenges what we are facing with and its second wave is still in continue.  Virus tough us the necessity of unity as it does no know conspiracy, caste, nations and boundaries.Once we are bunkered by its pernicious attack to our economy, health and even our existence. All the countries should come forward and raise the awareness with a view to mitigating the worsen conditions as the world faced badly never seen before in this 21st century. Every nations should be remembered that we are one human and our final destination to combat challenges where there's no tyranny rule play.
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