Creative Writing as a profession.

Creative writing is one of the flourish sector of writing. Creative writing includes writing of plays, drama, poetry, script writing, memories, fiction writing, novel etc. We have to give a strong passionate after entering this field of careers. It may take times reveling to the markets because it is a creative work.

One can think making a doubt that there lies a passionate to this career and if luck does not support him, the whole passionate comes in vain. It is true that skills regarding to creative writing may influence to other sector.  A skilled creative writer may play a good influence to these careers :-





Children’s Writer

Communications Consultant

Cultural Consultant




Event Planner

Fundraising Coordinator


Human Resources Specialist

International Aid Director

International Development Worker




Legal Aid Representative



Literary Editor


Magazine Contributor

Marketing Director

Media Correspondent

Non-Profit Organization Director



Public Relations Representative

Social Program Director

Speech Coach

Speech Writer

Travel Magazine Editor


UN Representative

To be a creative writer,  some skills have to be maintained. 

Talent :

One should judge one's talent skills to be fit for creative writing. For the writing a proper talent skill need to be practiced.

Patience :

This is not the profession for what you involve and began to success. You have to have a proper mentally to be patient unless success comes to you and work hard for the desires you have passionate .

Face criticism :

If you dare criticism and give away from work for the criticism or it work influenced on you.  You will not enable to pursue yourself as a good creative writer. You have to go beyond your criticism and handle all the criticism beyond your situation.

Imagination :

A strong imagination is pre-requisite for a strong creative writer. If your imagination is weak, you will not be enable to do better in this sector.  So, try to flourish your imagination power thinking out of your box and have a proper logical knowledge surrounded you.

Technical ability in language :

Practice your technical abilities in your approach to writing. This ability does not work as sudden but you have to boost your abilities and do practicing more. You have to make a doctrine to your technical approach with alliteration, synopsis, merism, anecdotes and more.

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