Trump's racism and Corona's reality

From the beginning of president concession, Trump has a trouble relationship with media and press. His anti-globalization polices of trade protectionism stunned the whole world as it broke the basic norms of American  transparency. He was seen a little awareness of commitment to the constitutional  principal of separation of power and federalism. So some media began to expose the follies of him showing what is right or not.  But he is tenacious to his policy making a bold trouble relationship to media  and other group of antithetical people. Many times he made aphorisms to media and press in a apprehensive manner. He also declared war on press and media in 2017. He charged that the media containing fake news making the preamble result of enemy not only to him but also to the American people. He obdurately denominated the antithetical group as enemy rather than resolving himself or understanding the inner fact .

Being a president of America, he has a habit of making aphorisms on social media by his twitter account and Facebook page. Overall he seems to upbraid media and press saying 'fake news, horrible, out of control, very dishonest people, fake reporting etc.

Covid-19, being a recent world crisis, has made a terrible attack to United states. The country has a highest record of affected people and the conformed death. For the first time in history in America there is a fully signed presidential disaster declaration for all 50 States.

Even the horrendous and pestilence disease gave fuels to the burning trouble relationship between president and media. A direct reproach to New York times on 12 April 2020, as seen sometimes, what has risen the agitated contradiction of 'coronavirus orgins' from Europe or Asia.  On April, 8 New yourk times reports regarding a research work based on the virus genome  by Harm van Bakel, a geneticist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai that coronavirus began to circulate in New York area by mid- February and travelers bought the virus mainly from Europe not China. 

Donald trump forcibly rejected the new research report in his Facebook page. He said :-

"So now the Fake News New York Times is tracing the CoronaVirus origins back to Europe, NOT China. This is a first! I wonder what the Failing New York Times got for this one? Are there any NAMED sources? They were recently thrown out of China like dogs, and obviously want back in. Sad!"

It is also seen in New York time reports giving corona virus a contention to the stripe of zoonosis instead of concocted in a lab. Though true causes is not certain, the report of New York times more vouches to the animal causes avoiding the possibility of conspiracy.

On the other hand, Donald Trump called it in a news conference on 23 March as a 'Chinese virus' ignoring the criticism that it was a racist and also provoking conspiracy. His intending labelled corona virus will not only increase the tension between two countries but also encourage xenophobia and raise ant-asian racism in America. Unlike many incidences of xenophobia and racism against Asian Americans had been reported in the time.

President Donald Trump made several direct condemnation against New York time and many other media including Washington post, Amazon, wall street journal within the time from 10 April to even now. It is his tendency to disrespect or neglect  the voice of traditional journal and be  bias of his own intention to planning and works. 

Another claim was reported by New York times on 6 April making a headline "Trump's Aggressive advocacy of Malaria Drug for treating Coronavirus divides medical community." The news divulged the personal interest of behind the advocacy where president Trump has himself own interest with French company Sanofi. A part of the news of New York times has been shown as below :-

"If hydroxychloroquine becomes an accepted treatment, several pharmaceutical companies stand to profit, including shareholders and senior executives with connections to the president. Mr. Trump himself has a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine."

Unlike in the pandemic time, Virus tough us the necessity of unity as it does no know conspiracy, caste, nations and boundaries. It does not know xenophobia who are Asian,  European or American.  Once we are bunkered by its pernicious attack to our economy, health and even our existence. All the countries should come forward and raise the awareness with a view to mitigating the worsen conditions as the world faced badly never seen before in this 21st century. Every nations should be remembered the idea that we are one human and our final destination to combat progress where there's no tyranny rule play.

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